Melancholic, pessimistic, taciturn (and 'alcoholic') Finns! I just love this video satire (right: today's "video gem" by KalervoOtso) of the TV news feature done by reporter Morley Safer for the US news program "60 Minutes" in the 1990s.

The usually eminently credible Mr. Safer certainly put together some entertaining, if totally one-dimensional - not to mention, mis-leading - evidence of what he observed to be the pervasive mentality of Finland - my Finland.

Response to the Youtube clip is fierce into the 21st century! :

yankeejake wrote:

"Hahaa, this is some bleep bleep bleep. Bit of truth there too, but I don't agree with any of it. To Merthville I strongly suggest to visit Finland. It aint so bad and we do say "I love u " every now and then. Right now I live in southern Germany and I see no difference. Even the faces on the street and in the underground are the same or even worse occasionally. :D Peace!"

VesqVj wrote:
"Well, I really didn't recognize my country :P, but as you might see, the documentary had only one issue, so it's really one sided view. They also filmed just elder people. And "the backyard of russia", eh..? But yeah, a lot was true in this clip."

talvikki81 wrote:
"Wow...filmed in the early 90s. A bit of a biased report from 60 minutes! It's not all doom and gloom, Finland is a gorgeous place, we just like our privacy--and we never say I love you! All my American friends are horrified when I tell them my parents have never said it to me :P. We know it without having to say it."


Hey - I just got this sinking feeling that maybe I was reading something into our "video gem" that wasn't there! Maybe that little guy and girl practising the tango really were feeling terribly melancholic and pessimistic, and "gloomy!" Sure fooled me if that's true!

Then there's the fact that I'm a Finn, and I say "I love you" quite easily to people I love (mind you, my dad found hugs distasteful...or was he just shy, as Safer might say?); still, that proves my point, doesn't it, and that of many of the commentators on the Safer video! You can't paint the whole of Finland - or the whole of any country or nationality one color - any way you look at it!

Video Gem: