Welcome Finns From Around the World!

Posted by Ireene | 10:31 PM | 0 comments »

Just a quick note to let you know that what you will find here over the coming weeks and months is a whole lot of useful information and - each other! I want this blog to become a "hub" for Finns around the world! Here is where you can connect, tell your stories, share experiences through words and images - photos, videos, art.

My family emigrated from Finland to Canada when I was 4 years old. I grew up Canadian - but "Finnish" Canadian. I speak and write (albeit somewhat poorly) my native tongue. I love Finland and all things Finnish - well, almost "all" things Finnish...and we can talk about that!!!

On this site, I will have a link to a "Finn Forum" where we can have ongoing discussions about issues of interest. I will also have a "Finnish Market" where I will be offering for sale my selection of products made by Finns around the world.

If you have any ideas as to other items that you think Finns would like to see on this site, please share them with me. I want to make this site as interactive as possible for all the Finns who visit from around the world.

So...more to come! This blog theme is rather boring I know. Bear with me - I will soon come up with something far more exciting!